The Official Center of the World™
Felicity, California
Where It All Began
The center of the world (that is, of our expanding universe) could be anywhere. However, the Official Center of the World™, identified for the first time in history, has a specific location set by law.
How did this come to pass? Why is Felicity, CA the Official Center of the World? We’re so very glad you asked …
Coe: The Good Dragon
Coe: The Good Dragon At The Center Of The World is a children’s book, now in its 8th Edition, written by the museum’s founder, Jacques-André Istel. Coe has been likened to an American Babar, with the soul of an explorer, inviting children and adults alike to seek the invisible Good Dragons.
According to Coe, a special spot in Felicity, CA is the Center of the World™ – and now it is official!

The Official Center of the World™
Reasoning that a fairy tale is memorable and uncontroversial, Coe: The Good Dragon At The Center Of The World was presented to the Supervisors of Imperial County as evidence that The Center of the World is indeed in Felicity … and they agreed!
On May 21, 1985, James Bucher, Val Blume, Louis Curiel, Luis M. Legaspi, and Abe Seabolt established into law, by unanimous vote, the now Official Center of the World™ at geographic coordinates Longitude: 114° 45’ 55.35” W, Latitude: 32° 45’ 1.38” N., confirmed by satellite (courtesy General Dynamics).
Years later, to everyone’s delight, on September 14, 1989, the Institut Géographique National of the Government of France recognized The Official Center of the World™ at Felicity, CA. They also confirmed, in writing, this decision to all governmental geographic institutions in Europe.
The Pyramid
Safeguarding the Center of the World™ is an honor and a responsibility. The book prescribed a pyramid and, being in the desert, it was seen as a most suitable protective monument.
Today, a 21-foot granite and glass Pyramid houses the bronze plaque marking precisely the Official Center of the World™. Visitors to the museum can gain access to the Pyramid, stand on the Center of the World™, and make a wish if they so desire. When done, you receive a certificate – attested by the Mayor – proving that you were here.
Tradition is observed at Felicity. In 1985, a copy of the law designating the Center of the World™, duly signed by the original signatories, was encased in the cement foundation of the Pyramid.

International Recognition
Since the formal establishment of the Official Center of the World™, and the impressive monuments that followed, the History of Humanity in Granite museum has earned international recognition. Scores of magazines, newspapers, and blogs have published articles, and television coverage occurred in 130 countries.